
Claire Ketchum

The Key to Consistently Reach Our Healthy Eating Goals

Why is so hard to stay consistent with our healthy eating goals? We want to lose weight. We are super motivated to start our healthy eating plan. But time and time again, our cravings derail our weight loss journey. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Click through to read the blog and discover the #1 key to actually stay consistent with your healthy eating goals.

Release Stress, The Weight Will Follow

When you release stress, the weight will follow.  It took me a long time to actually believe that this was true.  When I used to see the number on the scale start to creep up instead of down, my instinct was to start a new diet. If someone had told me that I needed to […]

Three Tips to Stop Overeating Savory Foods

It can be challenging to stop overeating savory foods especially at night or right before a period. How do we stop overeating so that we don’t have the guilt or stomach aches and pains? Click through to read the article to learn tips, ideas, and remedies to recover and lose weight. Get motivated to stop overeating today.

It can be challenging to stop overeating savory foods.  In fact, the food industry works really hard to make it as difficult as possible to stop eating.  There is even a famous tag line, “Bet you can’t eat just one.” Well, food manufactures study food in labs to reach the sweet spot which is the […]

Reducing Stress is the Key to Sustainable Weight Loss

Over the years, I went on a lot of diets and was typically able to lose some weight which was always exciting.  However, as soon as I stopped the diet, my weight would creep right back up. This scenario played out over and over again for twenty years. Then I discovered the connection between stress […]

Three Steps to Successfully Eat Less Sugar

While deciding to eat less sugar is an amazing goal, if you don’t have a solid plan, then the likelihood that you will be able to follow through is low.  As Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “A goal without a plan is a wish.” Wishing you wouldn’t eat so much sugar isn’t enough.  Because if you […]

Top 3 Tips to Help Your Teen Love ALL Their Physical Traits

If you ask anyone what physical trait they would change if they could, most people would easily come up with an answer because we all have things we don’t love about our appearance.  However, as we get older, we accept our physical traits and stop wasting energy wishing they were different.  This is harder for […]

How to Help a Teen Stressing About Making a Sports Team Be More at Ease

For many teens, being part of a sport’s team is an integral part of their school experience.   If your teen has grown up being involved in sports, part of their identity is being a soccer player, swimmer, cross country runner etc.  Many of their friendships have stemmed from being on a sports team.  Being part […]

How to Help Your Teen Avoid Social Media Comparisons and Be More Confident

Is it important to your teen that they maintain long streaks, get lots of likes or have more followers than they follow?  These are all social media standards that teens use to compare their popularity to other teens.  If a teen doesn’t get similar interaction to their peers, it can have an impact on their […]