
Claire Ketchum

How Tapping Helps Us Stick to Our Healthy Eating Plan

Tapping to Help Us Stick to Our Healthy Eating Plan

The Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping is the most effective strategy to help you stick to your healthy eating plan. The method of EFT tapping that I teach will actually work so you can stick to your diet and finally reach and maintain your feel-good weight. #weightloss #healthyeating

Help Your Teen Create Healthy Default Habits and Stress Less

You might think that your teen has a lot of control over their decisions, but the truth is teens and adults alike make most of their daily decisions out of habit.  They have automatic responses that get programmed into their subconscious, and unless your teen makes a concentrated effort to change their default habits they […]

Your Teen Will Experience Stress: Help Them Manage it Better

If you ask most parents what they want for their children, their response is, “I want them to be happy”.  While this is obviously a great goal, no teen will be happy all the time because stress is a natural part of life.  You can not protect your teen from every stressful situation, but you […]